This Google summer of code project provides another c++ framework for evaluating stereo correlation algorithms and also a useful template library to ease OpenCV programming. The goal of this project is to provide a library of efficient 3D computer vision routines for image and video processing. It includes routines for dense stereo matching, optical flow (motion) estimation, occlusion detection, and egomotion (3D self-motion) estimation.
- Provides symmetric dense stereo matching with occlusions, symmetric dense optical flow with occlusions, probabilistic 3D egomotion estimation.
- Designed as a template library.
- Uses adapters to be compatible with Matlab, OpenCV, and can be easily tailored to be used with any other image processing library. Example code is included for OpenCV and Matlab.
- Modular structure of Stereo and Optical flow code makes it easy to add new algorithms for local matching, global matching, pre- and post-processing.
- Well-documented code.
You can visit the project homepage and download source code here.