Daniel Bardsley

A curious mix of personal shenanigans and computer vision research

Sopcast Sports for Windows

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Sopcast Sports is a sopcast GUI tailored to watching live sport events using the sopcast protocol. Using game data supplied by myp2p.eu. Live sporting events are presented in an easy to use interface written in c# using the .net framework.

Sopcast sports requires the latest version of the official sopcast client to be installed. This software is free and can be downloaded from the sopcast homepage.

Sopcast Sports Screenshot Sopcast Sports Screenshot

Sopcast sports is deployed and updated using Microsoft ClickOnce technology. Clicking on the following link will install Sopcast Sports under Internet Explorer 6 and later. Firefox users may require the following extension: FFClickOnce

Install Sopcast Sports

SopcastSports 0.1 for Linux

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SopcastSports is a Tcl/Tk GUI for the linux version of sopcast tailored towards watching live sporting events. SopcastSports strips live game information from the web (www.myp2p.eu) and presents a list of sopcast streams, sorted by game, to the user. SopcastSports allows the viewing of multiple simultaneous streams and provides greater information regarding the status of the stream than other sopcast clients.

SopcastSports screenshot 2 SopcastSports screenshot 1

If you use sopcast primarily for watching sporting events or simply dislike using sopcast on the command line then this application may be of use to you. Feel free to modify the code and redistribute as you see fit, however, please share any updates to the code you make with the community. I wrote SopcastSports in a couple of afternoons so it’s far from perfect – if you find and fix any bugs or code any improvements I would love to hear from you.

Requirements for running SopcastSports:

  • SopcastSports Tcl/Tk Files
  • Tcl/Tk interpretor (tested against tcl/tk 8.4)
  • The Tix library for Tk
  • sp-sc (linux sopcast client)
  • mplayer
  • wget

All these applications are available from the Synaptic Package Manager or equivalent with the exception of the SopcastSports files which can be downloaded via the link above.

3D Stereo Vision Library: openvis3d

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This Google summer of code project provides another c++ framework for evaluating stereo correlation algorithms and also a useful template library to ease OpenCV programming. The goal of this project is to provide a library of efficient 3D computer vision routines for image and video processing. It includes routines for dense stereo matching, optical flow (motion) estimation, occlusion detection, and egomotion (3D self-motion) estimation.

  • Provides symmetric dense stereo matching with occlusions, symmetric dense optical flow with occlusions, probabilistic 3D egomotion estimation.
  • Designed as a template library.
  • Uses adapters to be compatible with Matlab, OpenCV, and can be easily tailored to be used with any other image processing library. Example code is included for OpenCV and Matlab.
  • Modular structure of Stereo and Optical flow code makes it easy to add new algorithms for local matching, global matching, pre- and post-processing.
  • Well-documented code.

You can visit the project homepage and download source code here.

Middlebury Stereo Vision

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The Middlebury Stereo Vision homepage provides results and evaluation code for comparing dense two frame stereo correlation algorithms. As well as providing a wealth of standard datasets with ground truth data the top ranking correlation algorithms are compared and evaluated for weaknesses. Finally Middlebury provide a comprehensive c++ stereo matching framework for comparing newly implemented correlation algorithms against other state of the art solutions. The home page, data and framework combine to support the work presented in Daniel Scharstein and Richard Szeliski’s 2001 paper: “A taxonomy and evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence algorithms“. [pdf]

Middlebury provide the following useful material on their site:

Facial Animation Toolset for Maya

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Facial Animation SetupFrom the Institute of Animation homepage:

“We have developed a set of specialized Maya-tools targeted at reducing the amount of tedious work associated with the setup process of high quality, animatable characters. The Adaptable Facial Setup is capable of driving any humanoid geometry, drawing from an extensive, FACS-based library of facial movement components.

The process of fitting the head skeleton to the individual geometry is simplified by offering a standard set of skin weights that accomodates the typical deformation regions of the face. Any skin weights may be cloned topology-independent from one head to another utilizing the Geometry Matching Tool. The Corrective Blendshape Manager offers a useful way to add subtle deformations to a skinned mesh. Blendshape targets can be created and edited, and are computed with respect to the bind pose of the skinned mesh.”

Check out the video below to see whats possible with this tool.
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ARToolkit ScreenshotARToolkit is an excellent starting point for developing Augmented Reality applications. The demo applications are impressive right out of the box. You can download the toolkit from the ARToolkit homepage.

ARToolKit is a software library for building Augmented Reality (AR) applications. These are applications that involve the overlay of virtual imagery on the real world. For example, in the image to the right a three-dimensional virtual character appears standing on a real card. It can be seen by the user in the head set display they are wearing. When the user moves the card, the virtual character moves with it and appears attached to the real object.

Another useful tool for use in conjunction with ARToolkit is the ARGUI interface. Check out Lief Oppermanns page for more information and detailed install instructions (German).

Mac Makeup

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I managed to get myself banned form the hotel wireless network last night for trying to use bittorrent. Mac Makeup provided a suitable way of spoofing my mac address so I’m back online now. I recommend this software to anyone who need to get around a mac based ban. Totally hastle free and I was back online within minutes.

You can download Mac Makeup from here.


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Scanalyze ScreenshotOriginally a system for merging range data from 3D Scanners. I modified this software and hijacked its ICP algorithms for use in a 3D face recognition system. An excellent bit of software with a highly customisable interface and a powerful scripting language.

Visit the Scanalyze homepage
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An excellent and fully featured computer vision library. OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real time computer vision.

Example applications of the OpenCV library are Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Object Identification, Segmentation and Recognition; Face Recognition; Gesture Recognition; Motion Tracking, Ego Motion, Motion Understanding; Structure From Motion (SFM); and Mobile Robotics.

OpenCV sourceforge site
OpenCV Wiki
OpenCV Yahoo group


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Xface is an open source toolkit implementing the MPEG-4 standard for facial animation.

Visit the Xface homepage

Main Features:

* Accepts MPEG-4 FAP files and SMIL-Agent scripts as input.
* Supports muscle based deformation (for MPEG-4) and keyframe based animation using morph targets.
* Muscle deformation methods/rules can be extended easily.
* Blending of visemes (visual phonemes), emotions, expressions.
* Head and eye movements (random and controlled).
* Can use various TTS engines using the pluggable factory mechanism.
* Control over TCP/IP. XfacePlayer can be controlled using any programming language thanks to our messaging system.
* Save animation as video in avi format.
* Platform independent code. (We distribute only windows version, however people reported compiling it under Linux successfully)
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